


Which of the following will help to take some of the sting out of bad news,helping your reader accept the decision?

A) Avoiding positive words and replacing with negative ones
B) Using an accusing tone
C) Telling the reader how to avoid the issue in the future
D) Explaining your qualifications
E) Writing clearly and with sensitivity

On Aug 08, 2024



The résumé should be based on what a candidate is looking for,not what the employer is looking for.

On Aug 05, 2024



​Which of the following is FALSE?

A) ​To reduce cannibalization among products,reposition a product so that it does not directly compete with the other
B) After acquiring a substitute product,raise prices on both the products
C) After acquiring a complementary product,raise prices on both the products
D) ​All of the above

On Jul 08, 2024



The presence of ________________ pressures leads to longer,more time-consuming negotiations than when accountability pressures are absent.

On Jul 04, 2024



What is concession bargaining and when is it used?

On Jun 07, 2024

Concession bargaining is the process of getting each side in a conflict to willingly make concessions in exchange for concessions made by the opposing side. It is used frequently by union bargaining teams to negotiate flexible issues, such as salaries, benefits, and employee rights.


Discuss why it is significant to find that an employment relationship exists and how such a relationship is determined.

On Jun 04, 2024

Aside from the obvious points that taxes have to be withheld and employment insurance premiums and workers' compensation assessments paid, the main thrust of this question relates to vicarious liability. Students should demonstrate an understanding of how vicarious liability works. That is, they should show that when an employee commits a tort in the course of the employment (while doing what he was employed to do as opposed to simply during working hours), then the victim can seek compensation from both the employee who committed the tort and also the employer. In most situations, it is not difficult to tell if the person committing the tort is an employee, but employers often try to insulate themselves from this kind of liability by making the employee look like an independent agent (usually paid on commission or by the job).
An important aspect of this question is distinguishing between employees and independent contractors. Students should talk about the control test, where the court will look at the degree of control exercised by the "employer" over the "employee." If it is sufficient, and the employer can tell the employee not only what to do but how to do it, then an employment relationship exists. If there is little control, students should then look at the organization test. This has been developed recently and will hold a person to be an employee where they are an integral part of the employer's organization and work for no one else at the same time. Note as well that in determining whether a person is an employee or not for a particular statute such as income tax or employment insurance, you have to check with the governing statute itself to see if a definition of employment is included.


In most cases national and retail advertising is aimed at:

A) manufacturers.
B) wholesalers.
C) final consumers.
D) trade specialists.
E) industrial users.

On May 08, 2024



Marlene,a self-employed 16-year-old whose parents are deceased,buys a dress on credit for $50.After receiving the dress and discovering that its reasonable value is only $25,Marlene tries to disaffirm the deal before paying the $50.In this case:

A) Marlene can disaffirm,and she is bound to pay the full $50.
B) Marlene can disaffirm,but she is only bound to pay $25.
C) Marlene can disaffirm,and she can return the dress without paying for it.
D) Marlene can disaffirm,and she can keep the dress without paying for it.

On May 05, 2024