


Which of the following is the goal of content listening?

A) To evaluate information
B) To judge speaking style
C) To identify limitations in the communication
D) To understand and retain information
E) To understand the meaning of the message

On Aug 04, 2024



Studies have shown that effective wellness programs ______.

A) increase employee turnover
B) cost more money than they save
C) reduce hospital admissions
D) reduce morale

On Aug 03, 2024



While some people may look like born negotiators,negotiation is fundamentally a skill involving ____________ and _____________ that everyone can learn.

On Jul 05, 2024



Professor Makrung spends his entire weekly income of $700 on economics books (E)and coffee (C).The price of an economics book (PE)is $50,and the price of a cup of coffee (PC)is $2.If the professor buys 10 economics books and 50 cups of coffee per week,he finds that MUE = 75 and MUC = 3.This implies that a consumption bundle consisting of 10 economics books and 50 cups of coffee per week maximizes the professor's utility.

On Jul 04, 2024



What is a virtual team? What are the potential advantages of a virtual team?

On Jun 05, 2024

A virtual team is one whose members work together and solve problems through computer-based interactions. In terms of potential advantages, virtual teams can save time and travel expense when members work in different locations. They can also be easily expanded to include more members as needed and the discussions and shared information can be archived for later access. Virtual teams are usually quite efficient because members are less likely to stray off task and get sidetracked by interpersonal difficulties.


A pitch deck is important for Martin to develop for his new business venture.He needs to answer the following question in his pitch deck: "What is the problem or need?".

On Jun 04, 2024



Define the term "learning climate." What can organizations do to create and support a healthy learning climate?

On May 06, 2024

Student answers may vary. The amount of management training and development that occurs in an organization depends in part on prevailing attitudes and values about development, sometimes referred to as the "learning climate." Many things can be done to create and maintain a supportive climate for continuous learning and development. Some examples include the following: (1) make job assignments that allow people to pursue their interests and learn new skills; (2) establish work schedules that allow enough free time to experiment with new methods; (3) provide financial support for continuing education by employees; (4) arrange special speakers and skills workshops for employees; (5) establish a sabbatical program to allow employees to renew themselves; (6) establish a career counseling program to help employees develop self-awareness and find ways to achieve their full potential; (7) establish voluntary skill assessment and feedback programs; (8) make pay increases partly dependent on skill development; (9) provide awards for innovations and improvements; and (10) use symbols and slogans that embody values such as experimentation, flexibility, adaptation, self-development, continuous learning, and innovation.


Overhauling an engine in a large truck

A) Ordinary maintenance and repairs
B) Asset improvements
C) Extraordinary repairs

On May 05, 2024