Asked by Raveesha Nikethani on Sep 29, 2024

The Taft-Hartley Act prohibits unions from restraining or coercing employees who do not wish to join a union.

Taft-Hartley Act

A 1947 United States federal law that restricts the activities and power of labor unions, also known as the Labor Management Relations Act.


Officially forbids or disallows a certain action, behavior, or practice by law or regulation.

Coercing Employees

The act of compelling employees to act or not act under threat, pressure, or intimidation, often in the context of labor relations.

  • Identify the safeguarding of employees' rights pursuant to United States labor legislation, encompassing the right to form unions and partake in collective actions.
  • Segregate the legal from the illegal operations of unions and employers pertaining to organizing campaigns, negotiation tactics, and political contributions.