


In a health maintenance organization (HMO) , _____.

A) the employee gets to choose his/her own doctor from a list of health care providers who offer discounted services to members of the HRO
B) are a high cost / high quality option for employers seeking to offer excellent medical care to their employees
C) the medical services are offered by Blue Cross / Blue Shield
D) the medical services are usually offered by the employer organization in-house
E) none of the above are true

On Sep 28, 2024



In what ways does the problem of scheduling service systems differ from that of scheduling manufacturing systems?

On Sep 22, 2024

Scheduling services differs from scheduling manufacturing systems in five ways:
1. In manufacturing, emphasis is on materials, whereas in services it is on staffing levels.
2. Service systems do not store inventories of services.
3. Services are labour intensive, and demand for this labour can be highly variable.
4. Legal considerations constrain scheduling decisions.
5. Behavioural, social, seniority, and status issues occur in service scheduling.